Legal Notes

Legal Notes

LUSVARDI WINE srl with registered office in Via Canale per Reggio no. 2 – 42018 San Martino in Rio (Re) – Italy

P.IVA/C.F. 02333150353 Reggio Emilia Business Register REA: RE 272460

SOC. AGR. LUSVARDI WINE s.s. undertakes to make every effort, as far as possible, so that the information entered on this site is accurate, reserving the right to change at any time, even without notice, the content of the site. SOC. AGR. LUSVARDI WINE s.s. makes no warranty for the accuracy, precision and completeness of the information published on the site. SOC. AGR. LUSVARDI WINE s.s. disclaims all liability in the event of: any interruptions of the site any defects in the software contained any errors in the information on the site any direct or indirect damages regardless of the causes, nature, origin and consequences, loss of profit, loss of customers, loss of data, as well as any other loss of property resulting from access or failure to access the site by any user, or from reliance on information directly or indirectly from the site.


The site may contain links to other web sites or with other Internet sources that are not controlled, LUSVARDI WINE srl cannot be held responsible for these links to external sites and other sources, therefore disclaims any responsibility with respect to the content, advertising material, products, services in these published. Therefore, LUSVARDI WINE srl, assumes no liability whatsoever as to any damage or loss of certain or alleged existence arising from the use of or reliance on the contents of goods or services of the aforementioned sites and external sources.